Our favorite holiday to host is Thanksgiving. This year I started my table planning early due to a brand post that I did with Allem Studio. They sent me some of their beautiful block-printed linens and I created a tablescape to showcase them.
Since this is something I enjoy doing, I decided to do two themes. A minimalist and maximalist vibe.

First up is the minimal look featuring a simple design. Dried hydrangea was placed into a faux boise vase which I recently purchased at Life’s Patina Barn sale. If you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely go. They open seasonally for a couple of weekends a few times each year. The winter one starts soon!

I chose simple cream-colored candles and clear glasses with my collection of brass candle sticks.

Next up is a maximalist design. I swapped out the cream candles for dark blue and added amber vintage glasses.

I also added a bunch of fallen leaves to add some interest to the table.

The white plates with a silver rim were something we registered for when we got married and I still love them almost 20 years later. They are from Lennox and it’s called the Hannah pattern.

Bamboo placemats added an additional layer of depth to the table.

This was fun to set up, but in all honesty, I am going to use palm frond disposable plates this year so there will be fewer dishes. We will have a big crowd this year so I am trying to make it a bit easier on myself. However, the table will still look gorgeous.

What design do you like best, the minimal or maximal?
Here are two older blog posts with a few more ideas for your tablescape: here and here.